Affiliated Societies
The list of mutual agreements with foreign societies
Austria - Bildrecht, the agreement closed on 17 June 2008, www.bildrecht.at
Azerbaijan - AAS, the agreement closed on 11 March 2015
Belgium - SABAM, the agreement closed on 18 December 2003, www.sabam.be
Dennmark - COPY-DAN Billedkunst, the agreement closed on 5 May 2004, www.copydan.dk
England - DACS, the agreement closed on 8 March 2012, www.dacs.org.uk
Finland - KUVASTO, the agreement closed on 19 December 2017, www.kuvasto.fi
France - ADAGP, the agreement closed in December 2002, www.adagp.fr
Germany - BILD-KUNST, the agreement closed on 1 January 2003, www.bildkunst.de
Hungary - HUNGART, the agreement closed on 9 April 2008, www.hungart.org
Italy - SIAE, the agreement closed on 21 April 2010, www.siae.itLatvia - AKKA/LAA, the agreement closed on 27 June 2008, www.akka-laa.lv
Mexico - SOMAAP, the agreement closed on 15 December 2011, www.somaap.com
Nederland - PICTORIGHT, the agreement closed on 26 May 2008, www.pictoright.nl
Norway - BONO, the agreement closed on 1 July 2008, www.bono.no
Portugal - SPA, the agreement closed on 17 October 2002, www.spautores.pt
Russian Federation - UPRAVIS, the agreement closed on 10 July 2010, http://forum.artinvestment.ru/showthread.php?t=19956&langid=5
Slovakia - LITA, the agreement closed on 24 November 2005, www.lita.sk
Spain - VEGAP, the agreement closed on 1July 2008, www.vegap.es
Sweden - Bildupphovsrät, the agreement closed in April 2003, www.bus.se
Uruguay - AGADU, the agreement closed on 1 October 2008, www.agadu.com.uy