Gestor - The Union for the Protection of Authorship - is a collective administrator of authors' right to remuneration from a resale of an original work of art in the Czech Republic (resale law, droit de suite - according to Article 24 of Law No. 121/2000 Coll. - Czech Copyright Act). Gestor was founded in 1997 and since then it has been a civil association registered at the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic under reference number II/s-OS/1-31 530/97-R.
Gestor - The Union for the Protection of Authorship provides authors with collective administration of their right to remuneration from a resale of an original work of art (royalties). The works to which the rights of droit de suite apply include originals of works of art, which is considered to be, in particular, original picture, drawing, painting, collage, tapestry, engraving, lithography or other graphics, sculpture, ceramics, author's jewel, photography or author's copy which is considered the original according to established custom. The rights of droit de suite do not apply to architectural works, works of applied arts, and manuscripts of writers and composers. Its activity adheres to Czech law, mainly the Copyright Act, Gestor's Statutes as amended, and related international agreements if need be.
On the basis of a license granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Gestor has been entitled to execute the collective administration of the authors' rights mentioned above since 1998. The most recent licence was issued on 24 May 2OO2 under reference number 5106/2001. GESTOR is the exclusive collective administrator of the droite de suite in the Czech Republic, so no one else is entitled to do it - not even the authors themselves or their heirs.
Thus GESTORS' activities are based on
Copyright Act
Licence granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Bilateral agreements closed on the reciprocal basis with other collective rights administrators that operate abroad.
GESTOR acts for all authors and heirs whose original work of art is resold.
This web site has been created to maintain the best collective administration of authors' rights. You can find here useful contacts, agreement templates, licences and documents explaining the activities of GESTOR. Your are welcome here and I hope this web page simplifies the communication between authors, the public and GESTOR and makes it more efficient.
GESTOR - The Union for the Protection of Authorship
Karel Míšek
Chairman of the Management Board